Wait, you can record things electronically?


Chris Smith and Alan Bedenko join me to discuss the NSA controversy and things get heated.

Here’s the latest on the potential legal issues faced by a central figure in the story, Edward Snowden.

And here’s a poll showing that Americans hate privacy.

There’s a lot here. Click play.


  1. I gotta say I’m with Chris on this one.  Probably because neither Chris nor I are lawyers and Alan is.  But I’m going with privacy matters, and witch hunts are real.  We shouldn’t fritter away civil liberties because 3,000 people died horribly, once, over a decade ago.

  2. I gotta say I’m with Chris on this one.  Probably because neither Chris nor I are lawyers and Alan is.  But I’m going with privacy matters, and witch hunts are real.  We shouldn’t fritter away civil liberties because 3,000 people died horribly, once, over a decade ago.

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