Twitter has a mostly worthless weekly tradition called “Follow Friday” that involves use of the hashtag #FF.  People typically tweet something like “#FF @TrendingBuffalo” as an attempt to say “Hey,…

Twitter has a mostly worthless weekly tradition called “Follow Friday” that involves use of the hashtag #FF.  People typically tweet something like “#FF @TrendingBuffalo” as an attempt to say “Hey, you should pay attention to Trending Buffalo.  They say cool things.”  It doesn’t work.

However, we occasionally discover a particularly brilliant Twitter feed and want the world to know. Steroids will keep you out of Cooperstown, Jose Canseco, but we welcome you to Trending Buffalo’s Twitter Hall of Fame! Not only are you a first ballot inductee but you’re the first person in and, honestly, you’re the inspiration. Around here, we’re already calling the TBTHOF “The House That Jose Canseco Built.”

If you don’t follow @JoseCanseco on Twitter, you’re insane.  Seriously, stop using Twitter if you’re not looking for stuff like:

Ah, the good old days when people didn’t debate things.

Yes, that’s the best thing about Lamborghinis and Ferraris.  No need to keep them finely-tuned.

Which Canseco book is your favorite?  We can’t settle a 3-way tie between A Tale of Two Cities, The Celestine Prophecy, and Juiced:  Wild Times, Rampant ‘Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big.

48 year old Canseco currently plays for the Rio Grande Valley WhiteWings.

Finally, an excuse to put “steroid” on the resume!



Is there a trainwreck of a Twitter feed that we should consider for induction into the TBTHOF? Let us know in the comments section.

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